
Mixed Spices


Nature’s First mixed spices is a 100% natural crushed blend of sweet spices which can be used for soups/stews, Jollof, porridge, and meat/fish marinades to improve taste and make it appetizing.

Improves the aroma and taste of your meal. The presence of coriander in Nature’s First mixed spices makes it a rich immune-boosting antioxidant, improving digestion and gut health.

Our mixed spice powder is a skilfully blended combination of natural ingredients which include cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic, onions, turmeric, rosemary, thyme, cloves, cardamom to mention but a few. The mixture of these ingredients makes our product a beautifully balanced flavoring.

Can be used as a flavoring for food and snack, marinades, can be used in puddings.

Give your food a warm spicy appetizing touch today with Nature’s First Mixed Spices.

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